web3’s most bullish brunch
In the heart of all the bustling NFT events, Fidel’s Brunches have emerged as a melding of creativity, food, and genuine connections.
Imagine a space where artists, builders and art enthusiasts gather under the energizing smell of freshly brewed coffee and the light of new and old frens.
These Brunches aren’t exclusive or have any paid wall, they are free and open to everyone who RSVPs to my Twitter invite post.
Paris invites are closed now: but you are welcome to still join! You just have to cover your own food.
Who Is Fidel?
I am just an old school photographer trying to find my way in this new school world.
You can find all my past and current works on my linktree

Want to Sponsor?
My goal hosting web3 brunches started out simple, good vibes and good food.
Over the years, it has grown beyond just me to become an event that is looked forward to by many collectors and artists.
Each brunch is more than just a meet up; they are where the future of art and technology meld together,
where conversations spark revolutions,
where frens become friends.
Whether its for one or for multiple NFT events, I am looking for sponsors to keep these brunches open and inclusive to everyone.
Every little bit counts towards including more and more people at these brunches.
Whether it’s $5 or $10, you can make crypto donations directly to
ETH 0x596DC4Bb87c9D7dc4e227906b2fd6651AE2E6FD9